Joyeux Automne! (Happy Fall!)

It is hard to believe that it has been a year since our vision trip to France! So much has happened and we have much to be grateful for, in particular, YOU! who have been with us on this journey for sometime now! We are eager to get back to France and begin the work that we believe God has called us to do there and we are happy to say that every day we are getting closer to making that a reality.

November 1st is coming!

We are praying and working hard to reach the 80% mark of our needed monthly budget by November 1st! We are still looking for monthly or annual partners to help us make this goal. If you would like to become a partner, visit our partner page!


In November, we are launching an exciting Kickstarter-like campaign to raise a portion of our launch funds for France! If you aren’t familiar with this type of crowdfunding website, basically there are levels of gifts to help reach the fundraising goal. Each level has certain "rewards" associated with it, anything from a virtual high-five to a handmade guitar! As you know, art and music are playing a key role in our ministry in France. So, we have decided that for some of these "rewards" we would include some items that artists, including ourselves, have created and donated to help launch us. If you are a professional artist, musician or know of someone who would be willing to donate an item or items to help support this campaign, please email Joanna to talk about becoming a p-ART-ner (cheesy, I know, but it works!) We already have some great items on this list and are excited to share them with you in a few weeks time!

Two Partner Churches!

We were very pleased to learn this month that two churches have officially decided to make us mission partners—the Gate Community Church in Franklin, Tennessee, and Christ Church Chorleywood, in the UK. The Gate is a place where we have served as house church leaders and found community while we have been in and out of Nashville over the past decade. It is also the home base for the Messenger Fellowship network with which we hope to work with when we are in France. Convenient how God does that, huh? ;) Christ Church Chorleywood is a church where Tom served as the Youth Leader during our time in England and a place where we were released in many ministries as young twenty-somethings. Both churches have been hugely formational in our development and we are so blessed to have their support as we head to France. Praise Jesus!

Trip to Dover, DE

Tom will be jetting off to Dover—the city where he spent most of his youth—the weekend of December 4th. He will be sharing and helping to lead worship at Grace Church. If you are in the Delaware area and would like to connect, please email Tom! He would love to see you!

Autumn is a time where we think about the harvest and are grateful. We are certainly grateful for all of you! Praying peace and blessings on you and yours!